Sunday, September 14, 2008

Insurance Capabilities

As I sit here at Kaldi's reading my property and casualty insurance book, I am overwhelmed by the idea of insurance and the thought of taking my licensing test. I'm not sure I know what I'm doing. Am I capable of selling insurance? I feel like I've stumbled into this and haven't taken the time to process.

This has really had me thinking about all of the things I do either out of habit or without much thought. How often do I drive somewhere and when I get there not remember using my turn signal or watching stoplights? One of the worst things I do (some would consider it not such a good thing) is getting on my computer and automatically logging into Facebook. Why has it become such an obsession to know what other people are doing 24/7? Or who has been writing on so-in-so's wall? Or seeing if anyone has commented on my own wall?

Habits are hard to break...

1 comment:

Josh and Lane Whitlock said...